A Big Thank You to Everyone

  Hey all! I wanted to take a moment and sincerely thank everyone that has taken the time to check out my blog these past few months, and send your likes and comments.  It’s great to be writing again, and I am thrilled to say that my first book, A History Remembered by No One,…

Time/Sex in the Crosshairs

  February 13, 2006  Monday How do you think of time?  It is linear?  There’s always been one way I’ve thought of time, in terms of years, and I’d like to know how normal it is (I hope not very). First, it is dark.  Not for dramatic effect, just because I don’t know what non-time…

In Loving Memory of Jake “The Missile” Turtle

February 3, 1998  Tuesday The loss will be felt for a long time.  Jen called my roommate D today to tell him the sorrowful news that her turtle Jake has passed from his world and on to the next today.  A service for the afternoon was quickly set up just behind Thompson, our freshman residence…

The Squeeze Sets In

November 15, 1999  Monday There comes a time during each semester, that every professor decides to tighten the reigns he or she holds over us–all at once.  This usually comes, oh, right about now as we are all looking towards Thanksgiving with big, shiny eyes and a string of drool hanging from our mouths. Could…

A Day in the Life

November 12, 1999  Friday The alarm blared at six like it had been asked to do, but now six seemed much earlier that it had the night before.  Seven sounded more reasonable, and the alarm stayed quiet for another hour. I kept being woken up during the night, though, because Matt and Camille, directly below…

The Future and the Past Together

November 11, 1999  Thursday Being a junior, it has become increasingly obvious that college will not last forever.  I spoke to my advisor today and she set up a preliminary timetable for graduation.  I met with her last Thursday as well, and we spoke about my major, English.  It seems that I won’t reach the…

Burned Pancakes

June 6, 2005   Monday The week has just begun, and I wonder what you are doing with it now, seven thousand miles away.  I have in my hand your email from last week, so I’ll use that to fill my own letter with.  You already know some of the language?  I am impressed, but…

Here Goes – The Rush of the High Seas

  June 2, 2005  Thursday Alright, charge the coin-operated computer up in Zambia, because this is probably going to a long email, but I will start from the beginning.  That would last Friday, the 27th.  Id had just gotten off the ship from beginning gone all week and enjoying your messages before driving home to,…

The Killing Field?

July 2, 2005  Saturday There is a saying that must be foreign to your Southwest region, but it is well-known to the Midwest where I was raised: “Knee-high by the Fourth of July.”  This refers to how high the corn should be by mid-summer.  My small backyard plot here in Norfolk, Virginia I know, is…

Breaking the Silence

November 5, 1999 Friday Last night I had a dream with Sidney in it.  That’s not too strange, on the face of it.  They still happen, sometimes.  Nothing spectacular happening. I hadn’t had one in a while, but it in we briefly talked;  perhaps I was grabbed by some special twist of the imaginary words…


November 2, 1999  Tuesday As Collinsville, Tom and I were having the Greek discussion of the last entry (“Why I Write This Thing 2”), a story broke on the TV that Walter Payton had died at noon.  It’s one of those moments you can’t describe.  Walter had been ill since at least last February when…

Munsoned Again!

October 25, 1999  Monday I went home Saturday morning for the first time this semester.  Elmwood does not change, I have come to find, as if in a vacuum of time and space.  Besides one or two new houses going up, it has remained unchanged since my time there. It was good to see the…